Southeastern Wyoming Golf Tournament


Cheyenne County Club

Southeastern Wyoming

Golf Tournament

Play Golf - Make a Difference

The vision of FCA is, "to bring every Coach and Athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church." We need your help to accomplish the vision in Southeast Wyoming. The 4th annual Southeastern Wyoming FCA Golf Tournament will be held June 20, 2025 at the Cheyenne Country Club.

Come join us in raising support for the local FCA ministry. Register a team of 4, or make a greater impact by becoming a tournament sponsor. Your participation in this event will help make a difference today and for eternity!

 When:  June 20, 2025

Where:  Cheyenne Country Club - Cheyenne, Wyoming

Cost: $700 Team Entry Free 4 Person Teams I 25 Team Max 

Lunch, green fee and cart included

Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place team prizes, FCA Giveaways, Specialty Holes: longest drive, longest putt, closest to pin 

Schedule: To be announced

Register a Team

To secure your spot for a team, please make the payment below and enter in the members who will be playing on your team with their contact information (email/phone), so FCA can communicate important tournament details. If you are still working on team members – enter TBD for their name.” and then include the button to the live link

Register as an Individual

There are many sponsorship opportunities available! Please see the document linked below to explore options. 
Sponsorships range from $700 to $5,000. We appreciate you supporting FCA through out the state as we seek to lead every Wyoming coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

Become a Sponsor

Would you like to pay for a team and also be a sponsor for our event? Click below to secure spot and sponsorship.

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