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While we start to Pursue Truth in our Lives and Sports this season, our Staff Sydney Gunn shares how she has found her Identity in Jesus. Read more to hear her heart!

Hello. My name is Sydney Gunn. I am Staff for FCA in Big Horn Basin. I wanted to share with you the power of finding your Identity in Truth as an Athlete - the theme for FCA this year and the theme for our Sports and Lives.

"Once Upon a time, I faced uncertainty in many areas of my life."

I have always grown up loving sports, but golf was the sport that captured my heart (aside from Jesus obviously). I grew up learning how to play golf and became engulfed in the sport throughout high school and into my college years. During that time, I made golf the center of my life. 

"And everyday I pursued something solid to rely on. Until one day, I recognized God pursues me."  Through FCA and my mentors, God transformed my heart and showed me there was so much more to this life than golf. Not only did God bless me with the opportunity to play golf in college, but He gave the opportunity to glorify Him through it.

"And now...I pursue JESUS."

 As a result, my identity is found completely in the Lord. How I perform or what I do does not determine my worth, it is found in the God of the universe who loves me. Today, I would like to share with you in this post how you can find your identity in Jesus by starting with Truth. 

First, ask yourself where is your identity?

We have all wanted to belong. Am I wearing what is ‘in style’? Did I say the right thing? Will I be able to perform well this weekend at the big game? 

Stress, anxiety, and our thoughts can often wage war on us when we do not know to WHOM we belong. When we refocus our attention off the things of this world and onto Christ and our identity in Him. As a result we receive a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7). So why do we go around stressing and worrying about all these things? We have missed placed our identity.

Identity is defined as: “who a person is or the qualities of a person or group that make them different from others.”

In order to know who you are you and what sets you apart, you must know to whom you belong. You belong to the Lord and you are valuable because He created you!

Take a look at TRUTH.

As Dr. Neil T. Anderson states, "Understanding your identity in Christ is absolutely essential for your success at living a victorious Christian life!”  Read the Truth in the Bible daily and together to start this journey to purpose, confidence, life in Jesus:

You are loved. (Romans 5:8)

You are created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:27)

You are a masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10)

You are called. (2 Tim 1:9)

You are redeemed and forgiven. (Col 1:14)

You are a child of God. (1 John 3:1)

You belong to God's family, you don’t have to seek your identity in the things of this world.

[BTW...Have you signed up for Daily Impact Play, yet? It's a great way to stay in God's Word! Go here for more in.]

Now, apply Truth for Today.

Today, when you start to worry about what others may think, or find yourself misplacing your identity in your sport, think about the things of Christ. He does not love you based on your performance or mistakes; He loves you because He died for you!

When we know what God says about us, it is harder for Satan to deceive us.

John 10:10 states “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Christ wants to give you abundant life, don’t allow Satan to steal that from you.

Open His Word, look up these verses and recognize the importance of your identity in Christ.

Pray this: "Lord help me to know that my identity is in you. Show me what this looks like in my life. Help me to not be wrapped up in my performance or what others think of me, but rather what you think of me. Amen."

Upcoming posts I will be writing:

-       How does knowing our identity minimize stress and anxiety in our lives?

-       Identity, Performance, and Christ 

To keep up with FCA in Big Horn Basin be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook @fcabighornbasin


Sydney Gunn

FCA Wyoming

Big Horn Basin

Sydney Gunn
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